BEDTIME practice :

One day the Prophet into the house his daughter Lady Fatima. At that time, Fatima was getting ready to lie down for sleep. Rasulullah SAW said, "O my daughter Fatima, he planted. Thou shalt not lie before you do four things; finishing Al-Quran, obtaining intercession of the prophets, makes the hearts of the Faithful and the believing women love and pleasure to you, and perform Hajj and Umrah. "

Fatima asked, "How could I do it all before bedtime?" Messenger of Allah replied, "Before bed, read by you Qul huwallâhu ahad three times. It is worth a finishing Al-Quran. "

What is meant by Qul huwallâhu Ahad is the whole surah Al-Ikhlas, not the first verse only. In many traditions, often referred to a letter by the first paragraph. For example the letter of Al-Insyirah which is often called the Nature letter nasyrah.

The Prophet continued, "And lest you get from me and the intercession of the prophets before me, read shalawat:" Allahumma shalli 'ala Muhammad wa' ala ali Muhammad, kama shalayta 'ala Ibrahim wa' ala Ali Ibrahim. Allahumma bârik 'ala Muhammad wa' ala ali Muhammad, kama bârakta 'ala Ibrahim wa' ala Ali Ibrahim fil 'âlamina innaka hamîdun Majid. "

"And that ye may gain a sense of pleasure from the believers and the believing women, that ye liked by them, and that ye also pleased to them, read seek forgiveness for yourself, your parents, and all the believers and the believing women."

Not mentioned in the hadith that seek forgiveness as what to read. What is clear, in that we seek forgiveness, ask for forgiveness for people other than ourselves. For what we ask forgiveness for others? In order for us to sleep with a clean heart, do not carry hatred or annoyance to fellow Muslims. We ask for forgiveness to God for all those who have wronged us. That certainly is not easy. It is difficult for us to forgive people who have hurt us. When we sleep with a grudge, without forgiving others, we will sleep with liver disease. In fact, we may not be able to sleep. Even if we sleep, our sleep would give nightmare for us. Heart disease will grow and grow when we sleep. Of liver disease that was born mental illnesses and physical illnesses. People who are stressed have to get used to beg forgiveness of God for the people who make it stress before he went to sleep.

In the tradition is exemplified not seek forgiveness, kind of what we read. But there's one asking forgiveness that has been exemplified by the parents of our parents in the village. Usually after the evening prayer, they read: "Astaghfirullâhal azhîm wa li li li wa wâlidayya ashâbil huqûqi wajibâti 'alayya wal wal masyâikhina ikhwâninâ wa li jamî'il muslimîna Muslimat wal wal wal mukminîna believing women, Al ahyâiminhum wal amwât. O Allah, I ask for forgiveness at thy for myself and my parents, for all the families who became an obligation for me to take care of them. Forgive also our teachers, our brothers, Muslims and Muslimat, believers and the believing women, both living and dead. "

If we seek forgiveness glory before falling asleep, at least we have to ask forgiveness for our parents. We seek forgiveness, God willing, will make our parents happy Barzah nature to us. Seek forgiveness, it also will entertain them in their journey in nature Barzah. Greatest benefit from istighfar is reassuring our sleep.

Recent advice from the Prophet to Fatima is, "Before bed, you should do Hajj and Umrah." How? Messenger of Allah said, "Anyone who reads Subhan Allah wa la ilaha wal hamdulillâh ILALLAH huwallâhu akbar, he judged the same as those who perform Hajj and Umrah."

According to the Messenger of Allah, those who read wird then fell asleep, then he gets up again, God is counting sleep time as a time of remembrance so that the person is regarded as a continuous remembrance. Her sleep is not sleep ghaflah (cool), sleep negligence, but sleep in a state of remembrance

WHEN SLEEP WAKE practice :
[1]. Wiped Former Sleep What's In the Face with Hands
An Imam Al-Nawawy and Ibn Hajar Al Hafidz stated that this practice mustahab (recommended) based on the hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam-
فاستيقظ رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فجلس يمسه النوم عن وجهه بيده
"The Messenger wake up from sleep and then sat down, rubbing sleep from his face with his old hands" [Hadith Reported by Muslim]

[2]. Praying When Wake Up
الحمد لله الذي أحيانا بعدما أماتنا وإليه النشور
"Praise be to God who had turned on us after we ditidurkanNya and unto Him we have raised" [Hadith Bukhari and Muslim]

[3]. Bersiwak
كان - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - إذا استيقظ من الليل يشوص فاه بالسواك
"It is the Prophet cleaning his mouth when awake nights with bersiwak" [Agreed alaih]

[4]. Ber-istintsaar [Eject / spouted From Nose After a sip]
Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said:
إذا استيقظ أحدكم من منامه فليستنثر ثلاثا فإن الشيطان يبيت على خيسومه
"If one of you wake up from sleep then air-istintsaar was three times because the real prince of darkness overnight at bridge of his nose" [Agreed alaih]

[5]. Washing Second Hand Three Times.
Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said:
إذا استيقظ أحدكم من نومه فلا يغمس يده في الإناء حتى يغسلها ثلاثا
"If one of you wake up from sleep, let him put his hand into the vessel, before she washed it three times" [Agreed alaih]

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